The MTN Matchmaking Wellness Program


MTN Matchmaking is excited to introduce our NEW! Wellness Program

MTN Matchmaking is excited to introduce our NEW! Wellness Program, where we encourage you to join our training session with James! Maureen, Lisa (MTN Marketing Strategist), and an assorted amount of Maureen’s friends will be joined by the trainer James for a Bootcamp Workout Session. You will be working on your core, be pushed passed your limits, and feel revitalized with your newfound strength. At MTN, we always encourage a healthy lifestyle filled with good choices, like eating well, fitness, and mental health assistance. Achieving a good overall wellness is our mission; we hope that this is the start that will push you in the right direction towards a new healthy life!

“Clubs that have a strong group exercise component have a much higher retention rate than those that don’t,” says industry consultant Casey Conrad. “The statistics that have been coming in over the past couple of years are absolutely compelling (athleticbusiness).” Group workouts, work. They add a social aspect to your fitness that compels you to go back. That’s why there are TVs in gyms… so you don’t get bored. Call MTN Matchmaking today (1-888-31MATCH) to restart your life!

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