Is Jealousy Healthy in a Relationship? By Maureen Tara Nelson


Is Jealousy Healthy In A Relationship?

Eventually in a relationship, jealousy occurs, and the best mode of action is to understand why you feel that way by communicating your feelings to your partner.

According to a YourTango article, it is best to end jealousy with forgiveness, but then acknowledge the struggle with understanding each other, and putting the irrational behavior that comes with jealousy aside.

​Jealousy is inevitable in relationships that are unstable. When jealousy is present we must question our own ways of dealing with our partners in social situations, and change the way we react. Social media websites, like Facebook and Twitter are very commonly associated with causing jealous acts. It is pertinent that we avoid researching peoples pasts online, with the idea that the person is in a relationship with you, because they weren’t when they posted at that time.

​In an article by, they mention,​“If you are in an insecure relationship, expect to have your jealousy buttons​​pushed. But no one can tell you what to do. If you stay, most likely you’ll feel bad and ​jealous sometimes.â€

Along the same lines, Maureen Tara Nelson states, ​”Relationships that are built upon trust do not require anything more than a mild degree of jealousy in a relationship. The behavior of jealousy is often a sign of insecurity in a relationship which overtime eats away at the core of trust between two people.”

Long Island’s Matchmaker and dating coach Maureen Tara Nelson is the owner of MTN Matchmaking. Her understanding of relationships and guidance to her 2000+ clients comes from observing and studying singles for over 16 years in the dating industry. This experience has resulted in over 1000 successful marriages.

If you are single and live on Long Island or Manhattan, call 1-881-31-MATCH for more information on finding true love.

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