Free Summer Membership for an Amazing Single Dad… Just in Time for Summer Dating!


Free Summer Membership For An Amazing Single Dad

Fathers who go out of the way for their children, especially single fathers, have the character and commitment that we at MTN Matchmaking admire the most in our clients. Being a parent is a blessing that continues to give, but single fathers deserve recognition for everything they have done for their children. Their commitment to caring and nurturing their children is inspirational and reminds us of our own experiences with single parenting, which is why we are offering a special opportunity for these fathers to be recognized.

By nominating an amazing father who goes above and beyond for his children, you can give him the chance to win a free membership just in time for summer dating. Give the men who care deeply about their children the opportunity to find the love of their life through our program that carefully looks at each of our clients to guarantee that they are quality matches.

If you know a great father that you would like to nominate for a free summer membership to find love, contact us. Be sure to include the outstanding single father’s name, photo, age, and the age(s) of his children. Tell us a little about him and why you believe he is a great father and why he is deserving of this unbelievable opportunity.

You may also call us at (631)-577-7940 to ask us any questions you may have or to tell us about your nomination! The contest ends on June 14th, so be sure get in your nominations on time for MTN’s Outstanding Single Father of 2017.

FYI: Father’s Day is on Sunday, June 18

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