Ask Maureen Tara Nelson



moving out 


“I’m moving out of my Mom and Dad’s house and as you can imagine, they’re completely hysterical. I grew up with them in that home and it’s really emotional for me too, but I’ve been away for college in Los Angeles for almost 5 years and I’m ready to grow up and move out. How do I tell them that I’m moving in with my boyfriend?” (Riverhead, 23)


It’s so exciting to hear about people growing up and moving out, and as a parent, I know how hard it is to let go and let your children live your life. The best thing you can do is give them notice and attention because it can be a lonely process. Create a financial plan, a budget, a list of goals, monthly expenses, etc. Basic adult stuff.

Whenever you decide to tell your parents, preferably over the phone, make sure to prepare for the worst. If they’re really religious then it’ll be a bigger problem, but once again, give them time. Moving in with your significant other is always a serious step in a relationship. My advice for you is to have open and honest communication and make sure to give each other space when needed.


Call 631-577-7940 for more information!



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