Ask Maureen Tara Nelson


I’ve been dating my boyfriend for over 2 years, and all he does in his down time is play mindless video games.

“I’ve been dating my boyfriend for over 2 years, and all he does in his down time is play mindless video games. I’m not talking about like a PS4 or Xbox, but apps like Candy Land. They’re games meant for children and he is addicted to them… He’s glued to his ipad and iphone all the time and not spending it with me; how do I convince him to give it up, and grow up?”



There’s nothing wrong with playing mindless games on your phone waiting on the subway, but when it gets in the way of your communication in your relationship, then it becomes a problem. The last case scenario and the most radical is to just delete them off his devices, but instead, I want you to talk to him about why he’s choosing to spend time on those apps instead of with you. Perhaps there is something soothing and cathartic about those games, and you should just compromise the usage. Make sure to have this conversation in a non-judgmental manner, in order to comfort him into revealing his true feelings.

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