men, women, and salary
Some men cannot handle a woman with power. It’s frightening to them to see the power they have, so easily wrapped around our fingers. Some women make more than their spouses and significant others. Some men can’t handle this, and for that we say…Goodbye! MTN Matchmaking is a company that values women and their rightful seat at the table. We know that the voice of women is a powerful thing. When some men feel that they are insecure because their wife or girlfriend makes more money than them, it shows their fragile masculinity. We want men that empower the success of women, not ones that cower at the thought of a woman overachieving them.
The owner of MTN Matchmaking, went through this herself. From marriage to dating to relationships with friends. Making a bigger salary intimidates your peers, especially if it gets published for all to see. Make sure to show the real you! You aren’t your salary! Connecting with people doesn’t have to be hard; make sure to surround yourself around people that value what’s on the inside and not in your wallet. The same goes for someone who makes less; it would be insanely rude to dissociate from people who make less than you.