- Physical Exercise, obviously. Whenever people mention the new year, signing a gym membership is at the top of their list; although, instead you can join a yoga class or go jogging. Physical health also means taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally…
- Mental Health Awareness:Â This year especially, a light has been targeted on the stark reality of the mental health crisis in America. This new year, we have to be more aware, accepting, and accommodating of mental illness and it’s effects on the people, their peers, and society. Seek out a therapist (don’t be ashamed!); going to a therapist and or a mental health professional is extremely recommended because we need to purge all the anxiety, stress, and sadness from our psyche so we can continue to conquer ourselves.
- Consent! Unwanted sexual and inappropriate advances in and out of the workplace are never okay. We’ve only shed a light on the plague that is sexual assault and harassment this year, and continuing to do so will help convey the importance of consent in and out of sexual relationships.
- Go to a Matchmaker! Going to a Matchmaker this year will make your life so much easier. Instead of bumble, swiper, or whatever they have nowadays, we should be looking for committed people who are within your qualifications. Coming to MTN Matchmaking (1-888-31MATCH) will simplify the dating experience down to qualified single clientele that are seeking commitment and love.
Successful New Year’s Resolutions!
Spring Blog
Spring into Love: Why Spring is the Perfect Season for Matchmaking As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, spring naturally brings a sense of renewal and new beginnings. It’s no surprise that this season is one of the...
Enhancing Your Love and Sex Life After 50
Welcome everyone! Today, we’re diving into a topic that is both personal and universal: improving your love and sex life after 50. This stage of life can bring new challenges and opportunities for intimacy, connection, and passion. Together, we’ll explore...
Shedding Old Relationships & Embracing the Season of FALLing in Love!
Welcome to MTN Matchmaking’s monthly dating advice column, where each month we will navigate the labyrinth of love, relationships, and everything in between. Whether you’re searching for the secret to a successful first date, struggling with communication in a long-term...