Sexual Assault Awareness


MTN has had experiences with clients who have been assaulted or abused

MTN has had experiences with clients who have been assaulted or abused when she worked at other Matchmaking services, who did not provide criminal background checks. Maureen had enough of it and started her own business to provide quality singes and clients for people in a safe manner. Join the discussion on Background Checks in Matchmaking to make it mandatory for all dating services!


1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be a victim of sexual assault in their lifetime according to the CDC.


You are not alone

You are not to blame

You do not deserve to be treated this way

You have rights

You can get help




RAINN Confidential Hotline:  800.656.HOPE (4673)

Violence Hotline (English + Spanish): 212.714.1141




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