Maureen has the it factor
Many people over the years have tried to achieve success in the business of Matchmaking by treating it as a hobby, or as a party trick for friends. Matchmaking is not a second or third job, it’s not a gig, nor a solution for boredom during retirement. MTN treats Matchmaking as her first line of business, twenty-four seven. It’s not easy. MTN Matchmaking has a database of 2000 clients, some of which are on hold, happily in loving relationships. Taking care of these clients is a day-in and day-out job, we know the ins and outs of finding the right match, standing the test of time for over 18 years.
 What we do is called #RealMatchmaking
When you choose MTN Matchmaking, you’re choosing 18 years of experience and success in an industry claimed and conquered by men. Maureen Tara Nelson’s feminine and motherly touch gives her an advantage like with her women’s intuition. It’s sad to say, but men who try to run this business model fail due to their innate sense of domination and control that fogs their ability to empathize with vulnerable and emotional clientele.
We take this extremely seriously, unlike others. This isn’t just a job, or a career, it’s a line of business that is responsible for the quality of life of our clients. With one misstep, you could be affecting a life. That’s why we take this so seriously. We deeply care for your success in love, and with every match we send you, we’re letting you know that we are here to help you succeed in finding your soulmate. Dating apps and ‘third-party’ matchmakers take no responsibility in their numerous errors. Unlike MTN, they don’t care to claim their responsibility in your missed connection. Nor do you hold them responsible because, with those apps and alternative methods, you have no expectation of finding love that will last and match your needs. MTN’s numerous programs fit a wide variety of needs, including dating coaching, showing photos, compatibility assessments, and a deep dive individualized Elite Matchmaking program for celebrity clientele.