Millennial Voice
There’s a New Addition to MTN’s Social Media Team! In these coming months, we’re introducing a new millennial voice to inspire our new blog content. In doing this we’ll be freshening up our articles with a hip,...
There’s a New Addition to MTN’s Social Media Team! In these coming months, we’re introducing a new millennial voice to inspire our new blog content. In doing this we’ll be freshening up our articles with a hip,...
Privacy and Safety in Matchmaking The most important factors in Matchmaking are the client's safety and privacy. When it comes to online dating, the word safety is a complete misnomer. Don't be fooled into thinking your data and...
March Madness Unless you have a birthday in March, this month can be pretty boring. Essentially, this month is pretty short, and notoriously having no holidays, unless Easter falls at the end. At MTN Matchmaking, we call the month...
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