How Can You Do It?
Whether you live in Florida, Long Island, or Manhattan…MTN Matchmaking can find you a love connection. We are an executive certified Matchmaking service with over 18 years of experience and more than 1000 success stories. Our method of hand-selected matches based, upon compatibility and our collaboration with our certified matchmakers will make you a success story!
Call 1-888-31-MATCH and find out how easy it is to find love! By passing our thorough screening process by having no felonies, and being emotionally and financially stable, you will be a success story in no time! We have the most attractive male and female singles on Long Island who are ACTUALLY looking for a relationship, not just sex.
By coming to MTN Matchmaking, you will be provided with a personalized full-service team that works with you every step of the way. Did you ever think that finding love could be this easy? Find love now! Before spring!