MTN Matchmaking is expanding!
Currently, we are opening three new subdivisions within the company, like MTN Jewish, MTN Gay, and MTN Snowbird!
We’ve noticed throughout the years that our Jewish clients on Long Island needed the extra support of their own subdivision and what better way to help than to directly attend to their needs within our new program. MTN Jewish is for MTN Clients and new-coming clients that are specifically interesting in finding a Jewish soulmate.
MTN Gay has been a seed at MTN Matchmaking for some years. We’ve previously accepted gay male clients, but because of a lack of interest, we were forced to close it around 2012. See https://mtnmatchmaking.com/10354/mtn-gay-matchmaking-comes-to-long-island/ for more information on MTN Gay Matchmaking!
MTN Snowbird is our newest program! It’s for people who, like Maureen Tara Nelson is about to do, hate the cold and move to Florida for the winter to avoid the brutal New York cold. Specifically, we are opening in the Boca Raton, Florida area. It’s for clients that spend their time between New York and Florida.
We are currently recruiting single people for all these programs. So, if you know any single gay men, Jewish singles, or snowbirds, make sure to have them call 1-888-31-MATCH for information on our latest programs! We are having an event in Florida to celebrate the opening of MTN Snowbird in the coming months, so make sure to secure your spot before they go! MTN Matchmaking is committed to finding the program that is right for you, so if you don’t see your interests here don’t be shy to ask for special attention if you find it necessary!