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MTN Gay Matchmaking Comes to Long Island



Gay Matchmaking comes to long island!


A & e logo with blue background and white letters


MTN Matchmaking has been trying to make Gay Matchmaking happen for years. We have had a test run in the past, around 2012, but the market and feasibility weren’t there. It seemed that Long Island was not ready for it. Because of these roadblocks in our attempts to open an alternative branch to our Matchmaking program, we could not sustain this model. Finally, now, it is time to open up MTN Gay Matchmaking to the public!


Gay men on Long Island are bombarded with dating apps like Grindr, Scruff, Adam4Adam, Chappy, and Tinder; All these apps are surrounded by one thing, that’s sex and hooking up. We understand that that might be of interest to some, but MTN Gay is looking to achieve more than just a hookup. We are finding your soulmate. These apps marketed themselves to the gay community; they had a monopoly on their dating lives, until now. MTN Gay is a Matchmaking program, identical to the main MTN Matchmaking program, but it’s for gay men. We show photos, short bios, and compatibility between people to ensure that you are set up on a date that matches your interests.

When it comes to Gay Dating, this microcosm of Matchmaking is often filled with bigotry, racism, transphobia, and ignorance. This will never be the case with MTN Matchmaking. Apps like Grindr are filled with profiles that state “No Asians, No Fats, No Femmes” or “Sorry, No Black People*.” It’s disgusting how blatant and apparent their racism and prejudice is; MTN Matchmaking moves around this issue because it doesn’t recognize your racism and ignorance as a “preference.” We will not uphold this unfortunate standard that has become so prevalent in the gay dating world. Not today, not ever.


Maureen Tara Nelson is an ally to the gay community and is thrilled to open this program for her people on Long Island. Please join in our celebration of the beauty of the community, and the success to come with this new program.


Love Has No Gender.


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