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  2. mtn matchmaking podcast

Maureen Tara Nelson’s Podcast!



Maureen Tara Nelson is officially announcing her debut podcast!


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On Friday, the 13th 2020 make sure to tune into the Village Connection Network to hear Maureen Tara Nelson talk dating, mating, and relationships!

Live from Huntington in Long Island, she will be speaking about her vast knowledge of dating, love, singlehood, and marriage. MTN Matchmaking is a premier dating service on Long Island, Manhattan, and Boca Raton, Florida. Headed by Maureen Tara Nelson, she is an executive certified level matchmaker, dating coach, and relationship expert. She has 18 years of experience in Matchmaking and is finally ready to voice her opinions on this tumultuous modern world of dating apps, bars, and ghosting.


Go to https://www.facebook.com/VillageConnectionNetwork/ for more information on Maureen Tara Nelson’s podcast,

or call 1-888-31-MATCH for more information.

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