Maureen Tara Nelson: What Does It Take?




Whenever being interviewed by Newsday, Dan’s Papers, or other New York publications, Maureen Tara Nelson is always asked one question: “What does it take to be a successful matchmaker?”

Maureen Tara Nelson has over 17 years of experience in Matchmaking

Maureen Tara Nelson has over 17 years of experience in Matchmaking. She worked her way up from interviewing as a receptionist to be the top Matchmaker at her company. She then eventually opened her own business once she was cut short by her misogynistic boss for her hard work. Maureen Tara Nelson doesn’t like to play the victim. She’s worked in this field for almost a decade, paid her dues in the pharmaceutical industry, and knows what she’s worth.


Maureen prides herself in her trusty intuition and spirituality. She is very keen on reading people, decoding conversation, and finding the truth. She’s an executive certified Matchmaker trailblazing the Matchmaking industry to new standards and deserves the recognition for her beautiful character.


Call 1-888-31-MATCH for more information

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