Long Distance: Is It The Wrong Distance?



Will Distance Divide Us?


Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) are typically more unsuccessful in younger relationships than those of people of a particular age. Mostly because older people know what they want, have boundaries, and communicate more effectively. For instance, you and your boyfriend are facing distance in your future. He’s moving to Italy for 8 months, possibly more. Can you handle that? The answer to this question is more complex than you think. If you are older, have defined that this isn’t puppy-love, and know that you want and what you are getting out of this relationship, then you might as well try. But, if you’re in your 20s-30s, stay FAR away from long distance.


MTN likes to say, if you encounter a long-distance relationship proposition, take a break, and if it’s meant to be, then you’ll find your way back to each other. Simply put: Don’t waste your precious time; Who knows? Maybe you will find your soulmate in the intermittent period of the distance. You should not limit your possibilities this young. Distance is for strong, unbreakable relationships, like marriages and partnerships. Having a long-distance relationship during puppy-love (usually the first 2 years) is most likely a death sentence. If you’re both mature young adults, then you should understand that you shouldn’t limit your loved one’s happiness in any way.

MTN Matchmaking takes long distance out of the equation. All her clients are successful young professionals on Long Island; The only possible distance is from Nassau County to Suffolk, and we all know, that’s enough distance for everyone, ha-ha. Don’t let yourself wait for love. If it’s not the right time, for now, it could be for someone else.



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