Welcome to MTN Matchmaking’s monthly dating advice column, where each month we navigate the labyrinth of love, relationships, and everything in between. Whether you’re searching for the secret to a successful first date, struggling with communication in a long-term relationship, or curious about the intricacies of modern romance, you’ve come to the right place. From practical tips to thoughtful insights, I will help you unravel the mysteries of the heart and find your way to fulfilling connections. So, grab a seat, pour yourself a glass of wine, and let’s embark on this journey together!
In this dating advice series, I will need to hear from you as well. Please email me questions or concerns you may have about finding love this summer. I look forward to hearing from you, Long Island singles! Do you have burning questions about relationships, love, or romance? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Contact me by visiting our Contact Us page.
Happy August!!! I truly hope that you have all been enjoying my Monthly Dating Column that singles write-in about each month based on my monthly themes. Although all of them are based upon love and finding love, I asked singles to write in any questions they had, and I received some fantastic ones, and this week for my fourth monthly column, I have chosen some of my favorites to answer in this column.
Here is a question I received in June:
Hello Maureen,
I just read your Article in this Month’s “Long Island Press” Magazine. It was extremely heartfelt and touching. I applaud you for sharing your story. My Best Friend’s child is going through a similar scenario but is only 13 years old. We have developed a very nice and close relationship. After reading your Article I wanted to reach out to you. What advice would you give a widower just under two years entering the Dating Scene? I’m convinced online dating is really just a scam. Most of the people aren’t real and not seeking a serious relationship. I’ve seen your Commercials online for years and could not believe how ironic it was to read your Article about your child’s journey.
Jacqueline Mannino
Dear Jacqueline,
Thank you so much for writing in and for your kind words. I would love to help your friend if she would like to discuss our similar journeys as I love getting to know other moms that have their kids number one in their life as I have always done. For you, being widowed makes you a little bit more vulnerable to the treacherous scammers that hide behind a computer and usually target specifically widowers, both men and women with their untruthful words and consider them easier to manipulate.
I have advised singles for the past 20 years of owning my business to always seek out every single opportunity when looking for love for the first six months, but please keep in mind if you do not find Mr. Wonderful in six months, then you might want to consider the safety and the vetting process that most upscale matchmakers do to keep singles safe. I can assure you I have disqualified hundreds of potential scammers over the years! While you are testing out the waters during the six months, you need to be vigilant and keep your eyes open for any red flags that you see come up. After one red flag, it is time to move on. I wish you the best of luck finding someone and please keep in touch.
This question is from the July issue and from an anonymous trans mom:
Dear Maureen,
I absolutely loved hearing about the loving support you give your daughter and how you have been dealing with being a trans mom. Any insight or help you can give me in this area would be greatly appreciated. I try very hard to do everything right with my own daughter who is going through the transition. I always seem to be making mistakes. Listening to you, you make it sound so easy. Please help.
– Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your vote of confidence, but I can assure you, although I have always tried to give 100% love and support to my daughter, I make many mistakes, and my daughter is the first one who brings them up to me. Being a trans mom is absolutely harder than it looks, but my philosophy always was that I wanted my children to be healthy and happy and anything else was just icing on the cake. My daughter knows I love and support her, but no matter how hard I try to be understanding, I simply will never know how hard this is on her. Although I try extremely hard, I do make many mistakes unintentionally. Each time I see the hurt in her eyes or hear the crackle in her voice it naturally makes me feel just as hurt.
But as time goes on, as it has been over two years now, I have been learning more about how difficult her new life is for her and I concentrate on listening more than offering any sort of advice I can give. I hope and pray I have gotten better at making my daughter’s new life a little bit easier for her but it is a very difficult life for those going through the transition. There is a wonderful support group called the Trevor Project that anyone in the trans community should look up, as it is wonderful. I hope that helps just a little and anyone that has a trans child, please reach out to me as I would love to start a support group for trans moms.
I know what I’m about to ask is an impossible ask, but I would like to mention to those who are not familiar with the trans lifestyle to please look it up first, before you say anything hurtful to someone going through this, because one day it can be your son, daughter, niece, nephew, etc.
About Maureen and MTN Matchmaking
Maureen Tara Nelson has more than 23 years of experience and has personally matched over 1,000 clients across Long Island and Manhattan. In 2024, MTN Matchmaking Services began taking on national clients too! If you’re ready for love and commitment, MTN Matchmaking Services are here for you.
We know the two components of finding the perfect match are Chemistry and Compatibility. MTN Matchmaking, Inc. will show you why internet dating is ineffective in achieving those romantic goals and why Matchmaking Services are your best option for finding your perfect soulmate.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your romantic journey, reach out to Maureen today by calling 516-444-2861. Let us help you find the love you deserve!