Can a relationship survive with just one of these? Or does it need both? Find out the pros and cons through MTN Matchmaking!
- Pro- Yes, of course it is easy to have chemistry if he or she is attractive! Everything is exciting in the beginning, especially when you are physically attracted to the person.
- Con- Even with chemistry, you will see begin to see red flags around the 3-6 month mark if you are not compatible. Once you see those incompatibilities, you will soon realize you have been wasting your time!
- Pro-You will be developing a relationship that is built upon mutual inner core values. Having a strong foundation will only make the relationship more successful and stronger!
- Con- Unfortunately, it may just end up being a friendship if there is zero attraction, but you gained a new friend.
Good news! Chemistry does grow if you are compatible. However if you have chemistry only, compatibility always stays the same.
If you are looking for both, which is what healthy relationships need to thrive through all the ups and downs that life brings us, you need both compatibility and chemistry. Our specialty here at MTN Matchmaking is finding you someone you are compatible with. If you go out enough times with that person, hopefully you will begin to feel chemistry. If you are ready for a committed relationship and wish to be successful, give us a call at 1-888-31MATCH to book your free consultation!