Single ladies, before doing any Internet dating ask yourself the following questions, because in my line of business, I hear the most horror stories about this method of finding love from almost all of my clients.
- Is this person real? Or just a profile they put up to get you to sign up. Or even worse, is the picture you see a picture of the guy himself? Or a picture he took off the Internet.
- If this person has a criminal record or perhaps three DWIs in one year and still drinks and drives as an example, would he tell you?
- The photo you see, is that what he looks like now? Or could this be a photo from five or 10 years ago.
- I’m sure you work hard for your money ladies and if you have a good career, is it important to you that the guy also has a good job and is financially stable?
- How do you know if he is in fact single? If he was married and cheating or separated and living with his wife, how would you know?
- No matter how good-looking a guy is in the photo, how long would it take you to find out his real personality? It usually takes the average person about six months before you can tell someone’s true personality, and would you know if he is controlling, narcissistic or even worse, if he has a personality disorder – which has become more common over the last five years?
- Is his profile truthful? Or does the guy know exactly what to say to get women (regardless of how intelligent you are) to say yes to him.
- If you find the picture of a guy very handsome, how many other ladies also feel the same way and how many are contacting him and dating him as well? And most important, would he tell you if he is dating and/or having sex with different women?
- If he tells you he is looking for a committed relationship, how do you really know if that is true? It is very easy for guys to have sex with many women on the Internet dating sites, especially the really good looking ones… Will the guy be honest and tell you that? Or would he tell you what you want to hear if he knows you are looking for a commitment or marriage? Basically, how would you really know if he is in fact looking for a committed relationship?
- And by the time you find out all of the above answers, is he even compatible to you? It takes the average person about six months to find out someone’s true personality and if they are compatible to you or not. Do you really have the time and energy to figure this all out on your own?
Ladies please be safe, be aware of any red flags, ask questions in different ways and at different times and see if all the answers are the same…
There are some good decent guys on the Internet that are looking for a committed relationship, but statistically the percentage rate of finding them is very low.
And guys, the same goes for all of you as well…
I hear almost as many Internet dating horror stories from my guys, looking for a beautiful, quality girl for a committed relationship that isn’t just interested in them for their money, in addition to other obstacles. You will find those questions to ask yourself in another article!
For free dating tips, free dating advice and lots of behind the scenes videos to help make your dating life easier, follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube) at MTN Matchmaking.
Feel free to ask me any dating questions, and I will answer all of them personally!
Happy and safe dating to all â¤ï¸ Maureen Tara Nelson â¤ï¸