Ask Maureen Tara Nelson your dating questions!

Ask Maureen Tara Nelson your dating questions!

Question: (Female, 22)

“My outlook on this year isn’t that bright. Where should I be looking if I want to find a single man in the world that isn’t a crazy narcissist?”

Answer: Maureen Tara Nelson, Owner and CEO of MTN Matchmaking

“Well, people your age are actually still qualified to enter MTN Matchmaking! When people think of Matchmaking services they image old people trying to find someone to spend their end of days together, but nope!

We cater to people 20-25 years old, that are financially, emotionally, and mentally stable, and that seek to love of all kinds of people to spend their lives with.

Don’t be worried about the stigma’s of seeking dating coaching and matchmaking; enlighten yourself to our program and we will help you be successful in love! “



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