Best Dating Advice For Single Ladies 55 And Over
- Be realistic and realize you’re in your 50’s now, and you can’t think like a 30-year-old. You are different now, look different, and are even BETTER!
- You need to be open to constructive criticism because a matchmaker’s job is to help you find love. You can’t take anything personally and you need to know any criticism comes from the heart.
- As a Matchmaker I know what both men and women want in all age ranges, but specifically in the 55+ group, so take all of my advice because I will never steer you wrong. Even if you disagree!
- Many men fear marriage because they don’t want to divide half their assets again if they were divorced already. Women do not want to get hurt again as they did in their first marriage therefore everyone is walking around with a huge wall up. No one can get through a wall!
- Let that wall down, because no one has the energy to knock it down, and let me protect you; but you must trust me as your matchmaker. Without trust, this will not work. I know how to help you!
- You are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay, but you can’t let that knock you down. If you are patient and optimistic eventually you will be successful, given enough time.
- Those that are looking for compatibility only will be successful instantly but every other age group needs both compatibility and chemistry; but chemistry is much harder as we get older.
- Either keep yourself in amazing shape like you were in your 30s or embrace it, but be open minded to the opposite sex having flaws. No one is perfect and as we get older compatibility is the most important. You cannot look for perfection, no one is perfect! Pick out your five must-have’s but no more.
- As we get older our social circles get smaller and that is why it is much harder to find love in this age group. The Internet is very dangerous because there are people that target people in this age range. You will be safe at MTN Matchmaking. Stay off the Internet. There is NO screening at all!
- Ladies, for you to be successful 55 and up at MTN Matchmaking you need to be patient, positive, able to take constructive criticism, and open minded to taking my advice-even if you do not believe it. In addition, you have to look for only your top five requirements of a man and have a list of five great things about yourself that you can offer someone. And believe in your top five! If you don’t love yourself how will anyone be able to love you? I along with our team, will do everything else!