5 Reasons Why You Should Join Us at the US Open this Thursday 9/7/17 at 7PM!


This annual event is always a big hit with MTN Matchmaking!

  1. Women’s Semi-Finals in the Arthur Ashe Stadium.
    People travel all over the world to take part in this amazing experience – The US Open. You will see the best of the best professional tennis players under the lights.
  2. Free Matchmaking and Dating Coaching!
    Mingle with the staff at MTN Matchmaking and other singles while receiving free Matchmaking and dating advice all while watching the Women’s Semifinals!
  3. The experience is Priceless.
    There are an endless amount of bars and matches to watch all throughout the night! We will all be together during this fun and exciting experience!
  4. Opportunity to Meet Other Singles!
    You are going to have so much fun meeting new people, making new friends, and maybe even finding a love connection, at this world wide event!
  5. The Best Prices from our friends at A1 VIP Entertainment!
    Great price tickets from A1vipentertainment.com! Brendan Nelson 516-355-8767.

Contact us today BEFORE 5PM at 1-888-31MATCH to reserve your seat and to purchase your ticket for our Singles Event at The US Open this Thursday at 7 pm. This annual event is always a big hit with MTN Matchmaking!

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