As One Door Closes Another Door Opens


Entering the real world after college can be extremely overwhelming.

Entering the real world after college can be extremely overwhelming. For the past 12+ years, you have lived your life in a structured environment, always being recognized as a full-time student. Those past 12 years have helped you work towards the point you are at today in your life. Now that you are at this point, it is a common question to ask yourself, “Where do I go from here?†Within reason, this can be a very rocky transition because not only are you saying hello to a brand new and completely different chapter, but you are closing an old chapter that may have been filled with good times. This is why people consider college to be “the best four years of your lifeâ€. You are saying “see you soon†to a campus that became your home, to friends that use to live right next door and now may be states away, and to a life that was near 100% freedom. Many people view this as the exciting chapter that came to an end, but in reality, it just started! Especially when it comes to your love life.

Use this transitive phase to redecorate your lifestyle! This is your time to find that stability in your life. Make sure this change of adulthood is your genuine self, or a piece of yourself, and not some facade that you have created… Grow up, not down…act like an adult and use your lifestyle to mirror that adult image back at you. Be bolder, this is an exciting time in your life and every difference and change matters at this point. You might not have even thought about finding love yet, but the benefit of being a part of MTN Matchmaking is to give you precise options to meeting people that are compatible to you, in a safe way.

Here is a fun fact for everyone! Swiping on the internet will not help you find love or stability, it’s meaningless to most people, and thus will result in a meaningless connection. At MTN Matchmaking Inc. we are here to help you find that special someone, who is at the same point in life as you are. We can and will help you find that “compatible partner†that will help everything else in life fall into place.

Of course, there will be a time that you will feel lonely when transitioning from your college life to the real world, but do not let this lead you into online dating. Tinder does not deal with compatibility. Making swipes left and right is an easy way to have sex, yet not lead to a relationship. It offers no amount of safety, and has no screening process at all. Even though you might not be thinking of finding a relationship right now, it is never too early to make new, compatible, quality friends. This is exactly what MTN Matchmaking does for you. Call 1-888-31MATCH!

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