I have been Matchmaking for 21 years now and in the beginning, I used the methods taught by me by other companies and quickly found out I needed to come up with my own better way to match clients based upon compatibility.
So, for 17 years, I have been using my experience as a former pharmaceutical representative and came up with a personalized, three-part method of hand-selected matches based upon three parts of compatibility to see who shows up compatible with my clients. I have been very open over the years on what my three-part method of compatibility analysis is, and the three areas are: What a client tells me their five best qualities are, my assessment of all of the great qualities of my client’s personality during our interview-which should obviously match what the client is telling me, and if and only if I take on a client, I do a personality test on the client, for them but without them right after the interview while it is fresh in my mind.
This three-part method has yielded over 1000 success stories over the years and during this large time span on every interview, my intuition usually thinks of a few candidates that I have for a potential client… sometimes I tell the prospective client about these potential matches which are only based upon my intuition, sometimes I even mention their names-first names only of course, or sometimes I simply write them down… Over the years my intuition has always proved correct after conducting the client’s first professional Matchmaking session that I do every single Monday on my Monday day Matchmaking day and night…
Everyone knows at MTN Matchmaking as well as our clients not to call in with questions on Mondays for me because no one wants anything slowing me down from matching them on what is now famously coined, Monday Matchmaking day at MTN Matchmaking. Now with 21 years under my belt and seeing that my intuition has always been on target, I am now officially adding my fourth area of compatibility analysis to my Matchmaking method which is my intuition… This is a huge advantage to singles on Long Island because I can now tell potential clients on their actual interview with the confidence of successfully doing this for 21 years, yet not Marketing it as a compatibility method, if I immediately know if I have compatible matches for them, and who they are.
Many times, over the years potential clients have asked me if I am thinking of someone in mind for them already, which I always do, and anytime asked, I have always freely given out this information, with the notation that I am only going by my intuition and that I still must do their three-part method of compatibility on their Matchmaking session to ensure I am correct. Over the years many clients have told me they were very happy to see their first match was in fact the person that I told him or her about on their initial interview… As a Matchmaker, this is a very exciting feeling to have when I know that a person will already be compatible with one another before I even do my testing…
I have said over the years that I can do Matchmaking in my sleep, and many times I do. As many business owners do, I always keep a notepad next to my bed, and many evenings I wake up thinking of a potential match for one of my clients, and I write it down and I go back to bed. I am extremely thrilled beyond belief when I find out that information is correct. It is this intuition that I believe comes with the experience of doing anything for 21 years, yet I also believe it is something that cannot be taught, and certain people are just born with this extra intuitive gene. I have been told by many experts that deal with intuition in some way shape or form, that they notice this trait in me. I too somehow have the ability to tell when I am speaking with someone if they too have this extra intuitive gene that many people are born with. Certain professions such as therapists, doctors, psychics, and headhunters, to name a few, all possess a higher level of intuition as I have witnessed over the years personally when interviewing them.
So now when you engage in your free consultation with me personally at MTN Matchmaking, if we get past the initial screening process, you can now ask if I have someone in mind for you and I will tell you, based upon my intuition, and don’t be surprised if that person shows up as your first compatible match when you receive him or her a week later. For more information and to schedule your free consultation, call 516-444-2861 and it is highly suggested that you check out our website for you to learn all about us at mtnmatchmaking.com.
Happy dating!
With love and positivity,
Maureen Tara Nelson
Executive Level Certified Matchmaker
MTN Matchmaking