Compromising V.S. Settling in DatingÂ
What is the difference between compromising and settling in a relationship? For example, let us say that you are a 40-year-old woman, single, no children. You cannot say things like “he’s too short.†That is not realistic and will get you nowhere. Settling is when you end up with a partner that is completely the bare minimum of what you desire. They do not fulfill you entirely and lead to confusion and longing for something greater.
Matchmaking is the perfect solution to finding what you want within reason. We all have that fairytale ending in our head, and chances are you are not going to achieve it. We need to be realistic, remember! The real fairytales in life are the imperfect ones. They are the scenarios when we take chances on people and they turn out for the greater.
At MTN Matchmaking, we match you up with singles that meet your criteria and are realistic to your expectations. On apps like Tinder, you are forced into constantly settling for random men that have no depth, intrigue, or character. Tinder and dating apps are for people who want a quick hookup. There is no room there for dating and romance; it is all focused on one outcome: sex. MTN Matchmaking focuses on love and marriage entirely. We have over 1000 success stories and marriages to our name, and we are so proud to provide Long Island, New York City, Florida, and now the world, with our services.
Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we are matching our singles to virtually date. This is via FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom. (Check out our article on how to keep virtual dates romantic!). If you are isolated, single, and looking to meet other singles, sign up for Virtual Dating with MTN Matchmaking. Because of quarantine, we are now matching our clients with people all over the country. We are no longer just sequestered to the New York metro area and Florida. Now that we have a larger selection of singles (more than ever), you could be virtually dating in no time! People during the quarantine are ready, more than ever, to find love. It has made us realize what is truly important…and that is love, affection, and companionship.
We want to thank all our essential-worker clients within our programs, who are out there doing selfless work for the well-being of the country. We cannot thank you enough!