MTN Matchmaking | Staying Busy During Quarantine




Staying Safe and Sane


The MTN Matchmaking family hopes you are doing well and staying happy and healthy. We are moving into our second month of quarantine and want to make sure that you are staying positive and focused. These times can be restless, so MTN Matchmaking is suggesting you do the following to stay safe and sane:



1. Home work-outs: Bring out your yoga mat, weights, and instructional videos! Going for a run, doing yoga, meditating, and lifting weights is a straightforward way to stay in shape and make sure you keep active. Living in isolation coups us up, so we must make sure to get active and keep the blood pumping.

2. Smoothies: In the MTN household, we have been making smoothies with kale, vitamin c, and almond milk every morning to get things going. We have more control over what we eat now more than ever. Even though grocery stores seem empty and overrun, there are still supplies to make healthy smoothies every morning. A terrific way to preserve your fruit and vegetables is to meal prep the smoothies and freeze them, so they don’t go bad. They are ready to go at ease and help you get your morning started.

3. Zoom Party! If you have a fun group of friends or family, make sure to set-up dates with all of them to have fun on zoom or facetime. Grab a glass of wine, or a beer, and catch up with the people you love the most. It keeps you social and ensures that you stay in the loop with all your loved ones. A great idea is to select a movie or tv show to binge and watch it all together using the application Netflix Party or Houseparty!

4. Read or binge-watch your favorite show. Now is a wonderful time to catch up on all the shows your friends have been recommending you. Tiger King is a fan-favorite for most, but make sure to go out of your comfort zone and learn about something completely new. If you have a stack of books that you have not read or books you have not finished, place them near your bed and read for 30 minutes before going to sleep. It is the perfect way to start a night’s rest.

5. Keep track. If you have a diary or journal, make sure to keep it updated. Documenting your journey throughout this pandemic will help you cope with isolation. It can be lonely, so make sure to write about your struggles in order to release them from your psyche.



MTN Matchmaking hopes you are all doing well in this perilous time.

For more information on how to Virtually Date, call 516-444-2861 to speak to one of our certified dating coaches and Matchmakers.

Together we will get through this!

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